

An Tin Group organizes Vietnam Teacher's Day to express gratitude to ferry operators.

20/11/2023 05:12

During the ceremony, the leadership of An Tin Group expressed profound gratitude to the teachers who have dedicated themselves to the cause of nurturing and educating individuals. The ferry operators were acknowledged for their unwavering dedication, hard work, and wholehearted commitment in imparting knowledge, guiding, and shaping the younger generations to become valuable contributors to society.

An Tin Group commends Outstanding An Tin Women on October 20

19/10/2023 04:15

As is customary, Vietnamese Women's Day on October 20th is a memorable milestone for the country. Year after year, from the northern to the southern regions, this day is dedicated to expressing gratitude for the hardships, sacrifices, and significant contributions of women to each family, as well as to the community and the nation.


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